April 15, 2024, Monday

What is the exchange rate of foreign currency?

What is the exchange rate of foreign currency?

According to Nepal Rastra Bank, the buying rate of US dollar on Monday stood at 121.56 paise and the selling rate was 122.16 paise. The European euro today has a buying rate of 132.83 paise and a selling rate of 133.48 paise. The buying rate of UK pound stalling is 160 rupees 79 paise and the selling rate is 161 rupees 58 paise.

The buying rate of Japanese Yen 10 today is 10 rupees 59 paise and the selling rate is 10 rupees 64 paise, while the buying rate of Saudi Arabian Riyal is 32 rupees 40 paise and the selling rate is 32 rupees 56 paise, according to Rastriya Bank.

Here is today’s exchange rate: